(BHS) Zephaniah 2 : 11 נֹורָא יְהוָה עֲלֵיהֶם כִּי רָזָה אֵת כָּל־אֱלֹהֵי הָאָרֶץ וְיִשְׁתַּחֲווּ־לֹו אִישׁ מִמְּקֹומֹו כֹּל אִיֵּי הַגֹּויִם׃
(BHSCO) Zephaniah 2 : 11 נורא יהוה עליהם כי רזה את כל־אלהי הארץ וישתחוו־לו איש ממקומו כל איי הגוים׃
(IS) Zephaniah 2 : 11 Strašan će im biti Gospod; jer će istrijebiti sve bogove zemaljske. Tada će se klanjati njemu svi otoci naroda, svaki iz svojega mjesta.
(JB) Zephaniah 2 : 11 Za njih će Jahve biti strašan: kad uništi sve bogove zemaljske, pred njim će se pokloniti - svaki na svojoj zemlji - svi otoci naroda.
(GSA) Zephaniah 2 : 11 επιφανησεται κυριος επ' αυτους και εξολεθρευσει παντας τους θεους των εθνων της γης και προσκυνησουσιν αυτω εκαστος εκ του τοπου αυτου πασαι αι νησοι των εθνων
(WLC) Zephaniah 2 : 11 נֹורָ֤א יְהוָה֙ עֲלֵיהֶ֔ם כִּ֣י רָזָ֔ה אֵ֖ת כָּל־אֱלֹהֵ֣י הָאָ֑רֶץ וְיִשְׁתַּֽחֲווּ־לֹו֙ אִ֣ישׁ מִמְּקֹומֹ֔ו כֹּ֖ל אִיֵּ֥י הַגֹּויִֽם׃
(DK) Zephaniah 2 : 11 Strašan će im biti Gospod, jer će istrijebiti sve bogove zemaljske, i njemu će se klanjati svaki iz svojega mjesta, sva ostrva narodna.
(TD) Zephaniah 2 : 11 GOSPOD će se pokazati strašan glede njih, on će oboriti sve bogove zemaljske, i svi najudaljeniji narodi klanjat će se pred njim, svaki na svom tlu.
(dkc) Zephaniah 2 : 11 Страшан ће им бити Господ, јер ће истријебити све богове земаљске, и њему ће се клањати сваки из својега мјеста, сва острва народна.
(AKJV) Zephaniah 2 : 11 The LORD will be terrible to them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen.
(ASV) Zephaniah 2 : 11 Jehovah will be terrible unto them; for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the nations.
(DB) Zephaniah 2 : 11 Jehovah will be terrible unto them; for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and all the isles of the nations shall worship him, every one from his place.
(DRB) Zephaniah 2 : 11 The Lord shall be terrible upon them, and shall consume all the gods of the earth: and they shall adore him every man from his own place, all the islands of the Gentiles.
(ERV) Zephaniah 2 : 11 The LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the nations.
(ESV) Zephaniah 2 : 11 The LORD will be awesome against them; for he will famish all the gods of the earth, and to him shall bow down, each in its place, all the lands of the nations.
(GWT) Zephaniah 2 : 11 The LORD will terrify them, because he will make all the gods of the earth waste away. So every person from every coast and nation will bow to him.
(KJV) Zephaniah 2 : 11 The LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen.
(NLT) Zephaniah 2 : 11 The LORD will terrify them as he destroys all the gods in the land. Then nations around the world will worship the LORD, each in their own land.
(WEB) Zephaniah 2 : 11 Yahweh will be awesome to them, for he will famish all the gods of the land. Men will worship him, everyone from his place, even all the shores of the nations.
(YLT) Zephaniah 2 : 11 Fearful is Jehovah against them, For He made bare all gods of the land, And bow themselves to Him, each from his place, Do all islanders of the nations.