(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 1 Whoever loves discipline loves to learn, but whoever hates correction is a dumb animal.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 2 A good person obtains favor from the LORD, but the LORD condemns everyone who schemes.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 3 A person cannot stand firm on a foundation of wickedness, and the roots of righteous people cannot be moved.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 4 A wife with strength of character is the crown of her husband, but the wife who disgraces him is like bone cancer.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 5 The thoughts of righteous people are fair. The advice of wicked people is treacherous.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 6 The words of wicked people are a deadly ambush, but the words of decent people rescue.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 7 Overthrow wicked people, and they are no more, but the families of righteous people continue to stand.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 8 A person will be praised based on his insight, but whoever has a twisted mind will be despised.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 9 Better to be unimportant and have a slave than to act important and have nothing to eat.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 10 A righteous person cares [even] about the life of his animals, but the compassion of wicked people is [nothing but] cruelty.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 11 Whoever works his land will have plenty to eat, but the one who chases unrealistic dreams has no sense.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 12 A wicked person delights in setting a trap for [other] evil people, but the roots of righteous people produce [fruit].
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 13 An evil person is trapped by his own sinful talk, but a righteous person escapes from trouble.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 14 One person enjoys good things as a result of his speaking ability. Another is paid according to what his hands have accomplished.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 15 A stubborn fool considers his own way the right one, but a person who listens to advice is wise.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 16 When a stubborn fool is irritated, he shows it immediately, but a sensible person hides the insult.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 17 A truthful witness speaks honestly, but a lying witness speaks deceitfully.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 18 Careless words stab like a sword, but the words of wise people bring healing.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 19 The word of truth lasts forever, but lies last only a moment.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 20 Deceit is in the heart of those who plan evil, but joy belongs to those who advise peace.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 21 No [lasting] harm comes to a righteous person, but wicked people have lots of trouble.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 22 Lips that lie are disgusting to the LORD, but honest people are his delight.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 23 A sensible person [discreetly] hides knowledge, but foolish minds preach stupidity.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 24 Hard-working hands gain control, but lazy hands do slave labor.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 25 A person's anxiety will weigh him down, but an encouraging word makes him joyful.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 26 A righteous person looks out for his neighbor, but the path of wicked people leads others astray.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 27 A lazy hunter does not catch his prey, but a hard-working person becomes wealthy.
(GWT) Proverbs 12 : 28 Everlasting life is on the way of righteousness. Eternal death is not along its path.