(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 1 Better to be a poor person who lives innocently than to be one who talks dishonestly and is a fool.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 2 A person without knowledge is no good. A person in a hurry makes mistakes.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 3 The stupidity of a person turns his life upside down, and his heart rages against the LORD.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 4 Wealth adds many friends, but a poor person is separated from his friend.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 5 A lying witness will not go unpunished. One who tells lies will not escape.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 6 Many try to win the kindness of a generous person, and everyone is a friend to a person who gives gifts.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 7 The entire family of a poor person hates him. How much more do his friends keep their distance from him! When he chases them with words, they are gone.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 8 A person who gains sense loves himself. One who guards understanding finds something good.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 9 A lying witness will not go unpunished. One who tells lies will die.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 10 Luxury does not fit a fool, much less a slave ruling princes.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 11 A person with good sense is patient, and it is to his credit that he overlooks an offense.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 12 The rage of a king is like the roar of a lion, but his favor is like dew on the grass.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 13 A foolish son ruins his father, and a quarreling woman is like constantly dripping water.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 14 Home and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a sensible wife comes from the LORD.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 15 Laziness throws one into a deep sleep, and an idle person will go hungry.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 16 Whoever obeys the law preserves his life, [but] whoever despises the LORD's ways will be put to death.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 17 Whoever has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his good deed.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 18 Discipline your son while there is still hope. Do not be the one responsible for his death.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 19 A person who has a hot temper will pay for it. If you rescue him, you will have to do it over and over.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 20 Listen to advice and accept discipline so that you may be wise the rest of your life.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 21 Many plans are in the human heart, but the advice of the LORD will endure.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 22 Loyalty is desirable in a person, and it is better to be poor than a liar.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 23 The fear of the LORD leads to life, and such a person will rest easy without suffering harm.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 24 A lazy person puts his fork in his food. He doesn't even bring it back to his mouth.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 25 Strike a mocker, and a gullible person may learn a lesson. Warn an understanding person, and he will gain more knowledge.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 26 A son who assaults his father [and] who drives away his mother brings shame and disgrace.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 27 If you stop listening to instruction, my son, you will stray from the words of knowledge.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 28 A worthless witness mocks justice, and the mouths of wicked people swallow up trouble.
(GWT) Proverbs 19 : 29 Punishments are set for mockers and beatings for the backs of fools.