(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 1 A wise son listens to his father's discipline, but a mocker does not listen to reprimands.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 2 A person eats well as a result of his speaking ability, but the appetite of treacherous people [craves] violence.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 3 Whoever controls his mouth protects his own life. Whoever has a big mouth comes to ruin.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 4 A lazy person craves food and there is none, but the appetite of hard-working people is satisfied.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 5 A righteous person hates lying, but a wicked person behaves with shame and disgrace.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 6 Righteousness protects the honest way of life, but wickedness ruins a sacrifice for sin.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 7 One person pretends to be rich but has nothing. Another pretends to be poor but has great wealth.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 8 A person's riches are the ransom for his life, but the poor person does not pay attention to threats.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 9 The light of righteous people beams brightly, but the lamp of wicked people will be snuffed out.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 10 Arrogance produces only quarreling, but those who take advice gain wisdom.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 11 Wealth [gained] through injustice dwindles away, but whoever gathers little by little has plenty.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 12 Delayed hope makes one sick at heart, but a fulfilled longing is a tree of life.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 13 Whoever despises [God's] words will pay the penalty, but the one who fears [God's] commands will be rewarded.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 14 The teachings of a wise person are a fountain of life to turn [one] away from the grasp of death.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 15 Good sense brings favor, but the way of treacherous people is always the same.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 16 Any sensible person acts with knowledge, but a fool displays stupidity.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 17 An undependable messenger gets into trouble, but a dependable envoy brings healing.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 18 Poverty and shame come to a person who ignores discipline, but whoever pays attention to constructive criticism will be honored.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 19 A fulfilled desire is sweet to the soul, but turning from evil is disgusting to fools.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 20 Whoever walks with wise people will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will suffer.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 21 Disaster hunts down sinners, but righteous people are rewarded with good.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 22 Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the wealth of sinners is stored away for a righteous person.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 23 When poor people are able to plow, there is much food, but a person is swept away where there is no justice.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 24 Whoever refuses to spank his son hates him, but whoever loves his son disciplines him from early on.
(GWT) Proverbs 13 : 25 A righteous person eats to satisfy his appetite, but the bellies of wicked people are always empty.