(BHS) Ezekiel 16 : 8 וָאֶעֱבֹר עָלַיִךְ וָאֶרְאֵךְ וְהִנֵּה עִתֵּךְ עֵת דֹּדִים וָאֶפְרֹשׂ כְּנָפִי עָלַיִךְ וָאֲכַסֶּה עֶרְוָתֵּךְ וָאֶשָּׁבַע לָךְ וָאָבֹוא בִבְרִית אֹתָךְ נְאֻם אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה וַתִּהְיִי לִי׃
(BHSCO) Ezekiel 16 : 8 ואעבר עליך ואראך והנה עתך עת דדים ואפרש כנפי עליך ואכסה ערותך ואשבע לך ואבוא בברית אתך נאם אדני יהוה ותהיי לי׃
(IS) Ezekiel 16 : 8 Tada sam prošao pokraj tebe i vidio te. Gle, vrijeme ljubavi bilo je za te! Raširio sam plašt svoj na te l pokrio golotinju tvoju. Zakleo sam se tebi i učinio savez s tobom, govori svemogući Gospod, i ti si postala moja.
(JB) Ezekiel 16 : 8 Prođoh kraj tebe i u te se zagledah: i gle, dob tvoja - dob je ljubavi! Raširih na te skute svoje i pokrih ti golotinju. Prisegoh ti i sklopih Savez s tobom - riječ je Jahve Gospoda - i ti moja postade.
(GSA) Ezekiel 16 : 8 και διηλθον δια σου και ειδον σε και ιδου καιρος σου καιρος καταλυοντων και διεπετασα τας πτερυγας μου επι σε και εκαλυψα την ασχημοσυνην σου και ωμοσα σοι και εισηλθον εν διαθηκη μετα σου λεγει κυριος και εγενου μοι
(WLC) Ezekiel 16 : 8 וָאֶעֱבֹ֨ר עָלַ֜יִךְ וָאֶרְאֵ֗ךְ וְהִנֵּ֤ה עִתֵּךְ֙ עֵ֣ת דֹּדִ֔ים וָאֶפְרֹ֤שׂ כְּנָפִי֙ עָלַ֔יִךְ וָאֲכַסֶּ֖ה עֶרְוָתֵ֑ךְ וָאֶשָּׁ֣בַֽע לָ֠ךְ וָאָבֹ֨וא בִבְרִ֜ית אֹתָ֗ךְ נְאֻ֛ם אֲדֹנָ֥י יְהוִ֖ה וַתִּ֥הְיִי לִֽי׃
(DK) Ezekiel 16 : 8 I idući mimo tebe pogledah te, i gle, godine ti bijahu godine za ljubljenje; i raširih skut svoj na te, i pokrih golotinju tvoju, i zakleh ti se i učinih vjeru s tobom, govori Gospod Gospod, i ti posta moja.
(TD) Ezekiel 16 : 8 Prolazeći blizu tebe ja sam te vidio; a ti bijaše u dobi ljubavi. Ja prostrijeh skut svojeg habita po tebi i pokrih tvoju golotinju; ja ti učinih jednu prisegu i bio sam ušao u savez s tobom - proročanstvo Gospodina BOGA - tada ti bi moj .
(dkc) Ezekiel 16 : 8 И идући мимо тебе погледах те, и гле, године ти бијаху године за љубљење; и раширих скут свој на те, и покрих голотињу твоју, и заклех ти се и учиних вјеру с тобом, говори Господ Господ, и ти поста моја.
(AKJV) Ezekiel 16 : 8 Now when I passed by you, and looked on you, behold, your time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over you, and covered your nakedness: yes, I swore to you, and entered into a covenant with you, said the Lord GOD, and you became mine.
(ASV) Ezekiel 16 : 8 Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness: yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord Jehovah, and thou becamest mine.
(DB) Ezekiel 16 : 8 And I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, and behold, thy time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness; and I swore unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord Jehovah, and thou becamest mine.
(DRB) Ezekiel 16 : 8 And I passed by thee, and saw thee: and behold thy time was the time of lovers : and I spread my garment over thee, and covered thy ignominy. And I swore to thee, and I entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord God: and thou becamest mine.
(ERV) Ezekiel 16 : 8 Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness: yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD, and thou becamest mine.
(ESV) Ezekiel 16 : 8 “When I passed by you again and saw you, behold, you were at the age for love, and I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness; I made my vow to you and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Lord GOD, and you became mine.
(GWT) Ezekiel 16 : 8 " 'I went by you again and looked at you. You were old enough to make love to. So I spread my robe over you, and covered your naked body. I promised to love you, and I exchanged marriage vows with you. You became mine, declares the Almighty LORD.
(KJV) Ezekiel 16 : 8 Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness: yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD, and thou becamest mine.
(NLT) Ezekiel 16 : 8 And when I passed by again, I saw that you were old enough for love. So I wrapped my cloak around you to cover your nakedness and declared my marriage vows. I made a covenant with you, says the Sovereign LORD, and you became mine.
(WEB) Ezekiel 16 : 8 Now when I passed by you, and looked at you, behold, your time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over you, and covered your nakedness: yes, I swore to you, and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord Yahweh, and you became mine.
(YLT) Ezekiel 16 : 8 And I pass over by thee, and I see thee, And lo, thy time is a time of loves, And I spread My skirt over thee, And I cover thy nakedness, And I swear to thee, and come in to a covenant with thee, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, And thou dost become Mine.