(BHS) Genesis 24 : 35 וַיהוָה בֵּרַךְ אֶת־אֲדֹנִי מְאֹד וַיִּגְדָּל וַיִּתֶּן־לֹו צֹאן וּבָקָר וְכֶסֶף וְזָהָב וַעֲבָדִם וּשְׁפָחֹת וּגְמַלִּים וַחֲמֹרִים׃
(BHSCO) Genesis 24 : 35 ויהוה ברך את־אדני מאד ויגדל ויתן־לו צאן ובקר וכסף וזהב ועבדם ושפחת וגמלים וחמרים׃
(IS) Genesis 24 : 35 Gospod je veoma blagoslovio gospodara mojega, tako da je došao do velikog blagostanja. Dao mu je ovaca i goveda, srebra i zlata, sluga i sluškinja magaraca i deva.
(JB) Genesis 24 : 35 Jahve je uvelike blagoslovio moga gospodara te je postao bogat. Nadavao mu je ovaca i goveda, srebra i zlata, sluga i sluškinja, deva i magaradi.
(GSA) Genesis 24 : 35 κυριος δε ευλογησεν τον κυριον μου σφοδρα και υψωθη και εδωκεν αυτω προβατα και μοσχους αργυριον και χρυσιον παιδας και παιδισκας καμηλους και ονους
(WLC) Genesis 24 : 35 וַיהוָ֞ה בֵּרַ֧ךְ אֶת־אֲדֹנִ֛י מְאֹ֖ד וַיִּגְדָּ֑ל וַיִּתֶּן־לֹ֞ו צֹ֤אן וּבָקָר֙ וְכֶ֣סֶף וְזָהָ֔ב וַעֲבָדִם֙ וּשְׁפָחֹ֔ת וּגְמַלִּ֖ים וַחֲמֹרִֽים׃
(DK) Genesis 24 : 35 A Gospod je blagoslovio gospodara mojega veoma, te je postao velik, i dao mu je ovaca i goveda, i srebra i zlata, i sluga i sluškinja, i kamila i magaraca.
(TD) Genesis 24 : 35 GOSPOD je ispunio svoj blagoslov mojeg gospodara koji je postao jedna velika osoba. Dano mu je sitne i krupne marve, srebra i zlata, slugu i sluškinja, deva i magaraca.
(dkc) Genesis 24 : 35 А Господ је благословио господара мојега веома, те је постао велик, и дао му је оваца и говеда, и сребра и злата, и слуга и слушкиња, и камила и магараца.
(AKJV) Genesis 24 : 35 And the LORD has blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he has given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses.
(ASV) Genesis 24 : 35 And Jehovah hath blessed my master greatly. And he is become great. And he hath given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and men-servants and maid-servants, and camels and asses.
(DB) Genesis 24 : 35 And Jehovah has blessed my master greatly, and he is become great; and he has given him sheep and cattle, and silver and gold, and bondmen and bondwomen, and camels and asses.
(DRB) Genesis 24 : 35 And the Lord hath blessed my master wonderfully, and he is become great: and he hath given him sheep and oxen, silver and gold, menservants and womenservants, camels and asses.
(ERV) Genesis 24 : 35 And the LORD hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and menservants and maidservants, and camels and asses.
(ESV) Genesis 24 : 35 The LORD has greatly blessed my master, and he has become great. He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, male servants and female servants, camels and donkeys.
(GWT) Genesis 24 : 35 "The LORD has blessed my master, and he has become wealthy. The LORD has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, male and female slaves, camels and donkeys.
(KJV) Genesis 24 : 35 And the LORD hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses.
(NLT) Genesis 24 : 35 "And the LORD has greatly blessed my master; he has become a wealthy man. The LORD has given him flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, a fortune in silver and gold, and many male and female servants and camels and donkeys.
(WEB) Genesis 24 : 35 Yahweh has blessed my master greatly. He has become great. He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, male servants and female servants, and camels and donkeys.
(YLT) Genesis 24 : 35 and Jehovah hath blessed my lord exceedingly, and he is great; and He giveth to him flock, and herd, and silver, and gold, and men-servants, and maid-servants, and camels, and asses;