(BHS) Genesis 47 : 18 וַתִּתֹּם הַשָּׁנָה הַהִוא וַיָּבֹאוּ אֵלָיו בַּשָּׁנָה הַשֵּׁנִית וַיֹּאמְרוּ לֹו לֹא־נְכַחֵד מֵאֲדֹנִי כִּי אִם־תַּם הַכֶּסֶף וּמִקְנֵה הַבְּהֵמָה אֶל־אֲדֹנִי לֹא נִשְׁאַר לִפְנֵי אֲדֹנִי בִּלְתִּי אִם־גְּוִיָּתֵנוּ וְאַדְמָתֵנוּ׃
(BHSCO) Genesis 47 : 18 ותתם השנה ההוא ויבאו אליו בשנה השנית ויאמרו לו לא־נכחד מאדני כי אם־תם הכסף ומקנה הבהמה אל־אדני לא נשאר לפני אדני בלתי אם־גויתנו ואדמתנו׃
(IS) Genesis 47 : 18 Kad prođe ta godina, stadoše opet u drugoj godini dolaziti k njemu i rekoše mu: "Ne možemo ti, gospodaru, skrivati. Novaca je nestalo, i stoka je, gospodaru, prešla na tebe, i ništa više ne preostade za tebe, gospodaru, osim tijela našega i polja naših.
(JB) Genesis 47 : 18 Kad je ona godina prošla, dođu k njemu i druge godine te mu reknu: "Ne možemo sakriti od svoga gospodara: novca je nestalo, blaga su već ustupljena gospodaru; drugo ništa ne preostaje da gospodaru ustupimo nego sebe i svoje oranice.
(GSA) Genesis 47 : 18 εξηλθεν δε το ετος εκεινο και ηλθον προς αυτον εν τω ετει τω δευτερω και ειπαν αυτω μηποτε εκτριβωμεν απο του κυριου ημων ει γαρ εκλελοιπεν το αργυριον και τα υπαρχοντα και τα κτηνη προς σε τον κυριον και ουχ υπολειπεται ημιν εναντιον του κυριου ημων αλλ' η το ιδιον σωμα και η γη ημων
(WLC) Genesis 47 : 18 וַתִּתֹּם֮ הַשָּׁנָ֣ה הַהִוא֒ וַיָּבֹ֨אוּ אֵלָ֜יו בַּשָּׁנָ֣ה הַשֵּׁנִ֗ית וַיֹּ֤אמְרוּ לֹו֙ לֹֽא־נְכַחֵ֣ד מֵֽאֲדֹנִ֔י כִּ֚י אִם־תַּ֣ם הַכֶּ֔סֶף וּמִקְנֵ֥ה הַבְּהֵמָ֖ה אֶל־אֲדֹנִ֑י לֹ֤א נִשְׁאַר֙ לִפְנֵ֣י אֲדֹנִ֔י בִּלְתִּ֥י אִם־גְּוִיָּתֵ֖נוּ וְאַדְמָתֵֽנוּ׃
(DK) Genesis 47 : 18 A kad prođe ona godina, stadoše opet dolaziti k njemu druge godine govoreći: ne možemo tajiti od gospodara svojega, ali je novaca nestalo, i stoka koju imasmo u našega je gospodara; i nije ostalo ništa da donesemo gospodaru svojemu osim tjelesa naših i njiva naših.
(TD) Genesis 47 : 18 Ta godina isteče, oni ga dođoše tražiti ponovo iduće godine i rekoše mu: ` Mi ne krijemo našem gospodinu da je novac nestao i da stada životinjska pripadaju mom gospodinu. Ne preostaje pred našim gospodinom ništa osim naših tijela i naša zemlja.
(dkc) Genesis 47 : 18 А кад прође она година, стадоше опет долазити к њему друге године говорећи: не можемо тајити од господара својега, али је новаца нестало, и стока коју имасмо у нашега је господара; и није остало ништа да донесемо господару својему осим тјелеса наших и њива наших.
(AKJV) Genesis 47 : 18 When that year was ended, they came to him the second year, and said to him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also has our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:
(ASV) Genesis 47 : 18 And when that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide from my lord, how that our money is all spent; and the herds of cattle are my lord's; there is nought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:
(DB) Genesis 47 : 18 And that year ended; and they came to him the second year, and said to him, We will not hide it from my lord that since our money is come to an end, and the herds of cattle are in the possession of my lord, nothing is left before my lord but our bodies and our land.
(DRB) Genesis 47 : 18 And they came the second year, and said to him: We will not hide from our lord, how that our money is spent, and our cattle also are gone: neither art thou ignorant that we have nothing now left but our bodies and our lands.
(ERV) Genesis 47 : 18 And when that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide from my lord, how that our money is all spent; and the herds of cattle are my lord's; there is nought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:
(ESV) Genesis 47 : 18 And when that year was ended, they came to him the following year and said to him, “We will not hide from my lord that our money is all spent. The herds of livestock are my lord’s. There is nothing left in the sight of my lord but our bodies and our land.
(GWT) Genesis 47 : 18 When that year was over, they came to him the next year. "Sir," they said to him, "you know that our money is gone, and you have all our livestock. There's nothing left to bring you except our bodies and our land.
(KJV) Genesis 47 : 18 When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands:
(NLT) Genesis 47 : 18 But that year ended, and the next year they came again and said, "We cannot hide the truth from you, my lord. Our money is gone, and all our livestock and cattle are yours. We have nothing left to give but our bodies and our land.
(WEB) Genesis 47 : 18 When that year was ended, they came to him the second year, and said to him, "We will not hide from my lord how our money is all spent, and the herds of livestock are my lord's. There is nothing left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands.
(YLT) Genesis 47 : 18 And that year is finished, and they come in unto him on the second year, and say to him, 'We do not hide from my lord, that since the money hath been finished, and possession of the cattle is unto my lord, there hath not been left before my lord save our bodies, and our ground;