(BHS) Isaiah 29 : 23 כִּי בִרְאֹתֹו יְלָדָיו מַעֲשֵׂה יָדַי בְּקִרְבֹּו יַקְדִּישׁוּ שְׁמִי וְהִקְדִּישׁוּ אֶת־קְדֹושׁ יַעֲקֹב וְאֶת־אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל יַעֲרִיצוּ׃
(BHSCO) Isaiah 29 : 23 כי בראתו ילדיו מעשה ידי בקרבו יקדישו שמי והקדישו את־קדוש יעקב ואת־אלהי ישראל יעריצו׃
(IS) Isaiah 29 : 23 Jer kad djeca njegova vide u sredini njegovoj djelo ruku mojih, držat će svetim ime moje, za sveto ga će priznati Sveca Jakovljeva i bojat će se Boga Izraelova.
(JB) Isaiah 29 : 23 jer kad vidi usred sebe djelo mojih ruku, svetit će ime moje. Svetit će Sveca Jakovljeva, bojat će se Boga Izraelova.
(GSA) Isaiah 29 : 23 αλλ' οταν ιδωσιν τα τεκνα αυτων τα εργα μου δι' εμε αγιασουσιν το ονομα μου και αγιασουσιν τον αγιον ιακωβ και τον θεον του ισραηλ φοβηθησονται
(WLC) Isaiah 29 : 23 כִּ֣י בִ֠רְאֹתֹו יְלָדָ֞יו מַעֲשֵׂ֥ה יָדַ֛י בְּקִרְבֹּ֖ו יַקְדִּ֣ישֽׁוּ שְׁמִ֑י וְהִקְדִּ֙ישׁוּ֙ אֶת־קְדֹ֣ושׁ יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב וְאֶת־אֱלֹהֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל יַעֲרִֽיצוּ׃
(DK) Isaiah 29 : 23 Jer kad vidi usred sebe djecu svoju, djelo ruku mojih, tada će oni svetiti ime moje, svetiće sveca Jakovljeva i bojaće se Boga Izrailjeva.
(TD) Isaiah 29 : 23 jer videći ono što sam ja učinio u sred njih njegove djece -, oni će *posvetiti moje ime, oni će posvetiti Sveca Jakovljeva, oni će drhtati pred Bogom Izraelovim.
(dkc) Isaiah 29 : 23 Јер кад види усред себе дјецу своју, дјело руку мојих, тада ће они светити име моје, светиће свеца Јаковљева и бојаће се Бога Израиљева.
(AKJV) Isaiah 29 : 23 But when he sees his children, the work of my hands, in the middle of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.
(ASV) Isaiah 29 : 23 But when he seeth his children, the work of my hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name; yea, they shall sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall stand in awe of the God of Israel.
(DB) Isaiah 29 : 23 for when he seeth his children, the work of my hands, in the midst of him, they shall hallow my name, and hallow the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.
(DRB) Isaiah 29 : 23 But when he shall see his children, the work of my hands in the midst of him sanctifying my name, and they shall sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall glorify the God of Israel:
(ERV) Isaiah 29 : 23 But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name; yea, they shall sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall stand in awe of the God of Israel.
(ESV) Isaiah 29 : 23 For when he sees his children, the work of my hands, in his midst, they will sanctify my name; they will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob and will stand in awe of the God of Israel.
(GWT) Isaiah 29 : 23 When they see all their children, the children I made with my hands, they will acknowledge my name as holy. They will treat the Holy One of Jacob as holy. They will stand in terror of the God of Israel.
(KJV) Isaiah 29 : 23 But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.
(NLT) Isaiah 29 : 23 For when they see their many children and all the blessings I have given them, they will recognize the holiness of the Holy One of Israel. They will stand in awe of the God of Jacob.
(WEB) Isaiah 29 : 23 But when he sees his children, the work of my hands, in the midst of him, they will sanctify my name. Yes, they will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and will stand in awe of the God of Israel.
(YLT) Isaiah 29 : 23 For in his seeing his children, The work of My hand, in his midst, They sanctify My name, And have sanctified the Holy One of Jacob, And the God of Israel they declare fearful.