(BHS) Proverbs 24 : 9 זִמַּת אִוֶּלֶת חַטָּאת וְתֹועֲבַת לְאָדָם לֵץ׃
(BHSCO) Proverbs 24 : 9 זמת אולת חטאת ותועבת לאדם לץ׃
(IS) Proverbs 24 : 9 Osjećanje i mišljenje luđakovo jest grijeh; podsmjevač je gad ljudima.
(JB) Proverbs 24 : 9 Ludost samo grijeh snuje, i podrugljivac je mrzak ljudima.
(GSA) Proverbs 24 : 9 αποθνησκει δε αφρων εν αμαρτιαις ακαθαρσια δε ανδρι λοιμω εμμολυνθησεται
(WLC) Proverbs 24 : 9 זִמַּ֣ת אִוֶּ֣לֶת חַטָּ֑את וְתֹועֲבַ֖ת לְאָדָ֣ם לֵֽץ׃
(DK) Proverbs 24 : 9 Misao bezumnikova grijeh je, i potsmjevač je gad ljudski.
(TD) Proverbs 24 : 9 Ludost ima samo jednu misao: A bezbožnik je užas čovječanstvu!
(dkc) Proverbs 24 : 9 Мисао безумникова гријех је, и потсмјевач је гад људски.
(AKJV) Proverbs 24 : 9 The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.
(ASV) Proverbs 24 : 9 The thought of foolishness is sin; And the scoffer is an abomination to men.
(DB) Proverbs 24 : 9 The purpose of folly is sin, and the scorner is an abomination to men.
(DRB) Proverbs 24 : 9 The thought of a fool is sin: and the detracter is the abomination of men.
(ERV) Proverbs 24 : 9 The thought of the foolish is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.
(ESV) Proverbs 24 : 9 The devising of folly is sin, and the scoffer is an abomination to mankind.
(GWT) Proverbs 24 : 9 Foolish scheming is sinful, and a mocker is disgusting to everyone.
(KJV) Proverbs 24 : 9 The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.
(NLT) Proverbs 24 : 9 The schemes of a fool are sinful; everyone detests a mocker.
(WEB) Proverbs 24 : 9 The schemes of folly are sin. The mocker is detested by men.
(YLT) Proverbs 24 : 9 The thought of folly is sin, And an abomination to man is a scorner.