(GTR) Hebrews 9 : 16 οπου γαρ διαθηκη θανατον αναγκη φερεσθαι του διαθεμενου
(IS) Hebrews 9 : 16 Jer gdje je oporuka, valja da bude i smrt onoga, koji čini oporuku.
(JB) Hebrews 9 : 16 Jer gdje je posrijedi savez-oporuka, potrebno je dokazati smrt oporučitelja.
(UKR) Hebrews 9 : 16 Де бо єсть завіт, там мусить прийти й смерть завітуючого.
(DK) Hebrews 9 : 16 Jer gdje je zavjet valja da bude i smrt onoga koji čini zavjet.
(STRT) Hebrews 9 : 16 opou gar diathēkē thanaton anankē pheresthai tou diathemenou opou gar diathEkE thanaton anankE pheresthai tou diathemenou
(TD) Hebrews 9 : 16 Jer, ondje gdje ima *oporuka, nužno je da bude ustanovljena smrt oporučitelja.
(dkc) Hebrews 9 : 16 Јер гдје је завјет ваља да буде и смрт онога који чини завјет.
(AKJV) Hebrews 9 : 16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.
(ASV) Hebrews 9 : 16 For where a testament is, there must of necessity be the death of him that made it.
(APB) Hebrews 9 : 16 For where there is a testament, it shows the death of him who made it;
(DB) Hebrews 9 : 16 (For where there is a testament, the death of the testator must needs come in.
(DRB) Hebrews 9 : 16 For where there is a testament, the death of the testator must of necessity come in.
(ERV) Hebrews 9 : 16 For where a testament is, there must of necessity be the death of him that made it.
(ESV) Hebrews 9 : 16 For where a will is involved, the death of the one who made it must be established.
(GWT) Hebrews 9 : 16 In order for a will to take effect, it must be shown that the one who made it has died.
(KJV) Hebrews 9 : 16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.
(NLT) Hebrews 9 : 16 Now when someone leaves a will, it is necessary to prove that the person who made it is dead.
(WNT) Hebrews 9 : 16 For where there is a legal 'will,' there must also be a death brought forward in evidence--the death of him who made it.
(WEB) Hebrews 9 : 16 For where a last will and testament is, there must of necessity be the death of him who made it.
(YLT) Hebrews 9 : 16 for where a covenant is, the death of the covenant-victim to come in is necessary,