(BHS) Leviticus 17 : 13 וְאִישׁ אִישׁ מִבְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וּמִן־הַגֵּר הַגָּר בְּתֹוכָם אֲשֶׁר יָצוּד צֵיד חַיָּה אֹו־עֹוף אֲשֶׁר יֵאָכֵל וְשָׁפַךְ אֶת־דָּמֹו וְכִסָּהוּ בֶּעָפָר׃
(BHSCO) Leviticus 17 : 13 ואיש איש מבני ישראל ומן־הגר הגר בתוכם אשר יצוד ציד חיה או־עוף אשר יאכל ושפך את־דמו וכסהו בעפר׃
(IS) Leviticus 17 : 13 Svaki Izraelac i svaki stranac, koji boravi kod njih, ako ulovi divljač ili pticu, što se jede, neka iscijedi krv i zaspe je zemljom.
(JB) Leviticus 17 : 13 Tko god, Izraelac ili stranac koji među vama boravi, uhvati u lovu kakvu zvijer ili pticu što se može jesti neka joj prolije krv i zatrpa zemljom.
(GSA) Leviticus 17 : 13 και ανθρωπος ανθρωπος των υιων ισραηλ και των προσηλυτων των προσκειμενων εν υμιν ος αν θηρευση θηρευμα θηριον η πετεινον ο εσθεται και εκχεει το αιμα και καλυψει αυτο τη γη
(WLC) Leviticus 17 : 13 וְאִ֨ישׁ אִ֜ישׁ מִבְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל וּמִן־הַגֵּר֙ הַגָּ֣ר בְּתֹוכָ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֨ר יָצ֜וּד צֵ֥יד חַיָּ֛ה אֹו־עֹ֖וף אֲשֶׁ֣ר יֵאָכֵ֑ל וְשָׁפַךְ֙ אֶת־דָּמֹ֔ו וְכִסָּ֖הוּ בֶּעָפָֽר׃
(DK) Leviticus 17 : 13 I ko bi god između sinova Izrailjevih ili između došljaka koji se bave kod njih ulovio zvjerku ili pticu, koja se jede, neka iscijedi krv iz nje, i zaspe je zemljom.
(TD) Leviticus 17 : 13 Ako jedan čovjek, koji činio dio sinova Izraelovih ili useljenik među vama, uzme u lovu jednu životinju ili pticu koja se jede, on će prosuti krv i pokriti ju zemljom;
(dkc) Leviticus 17 : 13 И ко би год између синова Израиљевих или између дошљака који се баве код њих уловио звјерку или птицу, која се једе, нека исциједи крв из ње, и заспе је земљом.
(AKJV) Leviticus 17 : 13 And whatever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunts and catches any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust.
(ASV) Leviticus 17 : 13 And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them, who taketh in hunting any beast or bird that may be eaten; he shall pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust.
(DB) Leviticus 17 : 13 And every one of the children of Israel, and of the strangers who sojourn among them, that catcheth in the hunt a beast or fowl that may be eaten, he shall pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with earth;
(DRB) Leviticus 17 : 13 Any man whosoever of the children of Israel, and of the strangers that sojourn among you, if by hunting or fowling, he take a wild beast or a bird, which is lawful to eat, let him pour out its blood, and cover it with earth.
(ERV) Leviticus 17 : 13 And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among them, which taketh in hunting any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust.
(ESV) Leviticus 17 : 13 “Any one also of the people of Israel, or of the strangers who sojourn among them, who takes in hunting any beast or bird that may be eaten shall pour out its blood and cover it with earth.
(GWT) Leviticus 17 : 13 "If Israelites or foreigners hunt any animal or bird that may be eaten, they must pour out the animal's blood and cover it with dirt.
(KJV) Leviticus 17 : 13 And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust.
(NLT) Leviticus 17 : 13 "And if any native Israelite or foreigner living among you goes hunting and kills an animal or bird that is approved for eating, he must drain its blood and cover it with earth.
(WEB) Leviticus 17 : 13 "'Whatever man there is of the children of Israel, or of the strangers who live as foreigners among them, who takes in hunting any animal or bird that may be eaten; he shall pour out its blood, and cover it with dust.
(YLT) Leviticus 17 : 13 and any man of the sons of Israel, or of the sojourners, who is sojourning in your midst, who hunteth venison, beast or fowl, which is eaten -- hath even poured out its blood, and hath covered it with dust;